Membership is for Fortune 1000 companies that would like to have a major presence via booths and looping video during every live event we host during the course of a year (12 months from signing). Our Members will also enjoy a major presence on The Fed Gov Con Connect website via video Ads and / or Productions that either our team produces or that is provided by the corporations themselves. We will broadcast these productions (up to 30 minutes each) via Vimeo as well as YouTube for maximum exposure for our corporate clients.
Each Member will be allowed to invite up to 8 guests every live event. A representative will be granted up to 5 minutes per occasion to address the audience during our live events. Members are provided all fee based training free of charge. Up to 5 complementary memberships to the NCMA chapter of your choice will be provided by Fed Gov Con Connect, LLC. We will render a link to each Members website (no extra charge). Please contact Mr. Edwards for the additional benefits provided for Members.
Platinum Memberships are for Small, Mid-tier or Large companies that would like to have a major presence via strategically placed booths and looping video during every live event we host during the course of a year (12 months from signing). Our Platinum Members will also enjoy a major presence on The Fed Gov Con Connect website via video Ads and / or Productions that either our team produces or that is rendered by the businesses themselves. We will broadcast these productions (up to 15 minutes each) via Vimeo as well as YouTube for maximum exposure for our business clients. LinkedIn will be a primary Social Media outlet we’ll utilize to post videos on behalf of our Platinum Members.
Invite up to 7 guests (free of charge) to every live event. A representative (from each Platinum Membership) will be granted up to 7 minutes per occasion to address the audience during our live events. Platinum Members are provided 50% off all fee based training. Up to 4 complimentary memberships to NCMA ,Bethesda Chapter (or a chapter of your choice) will be provided to these members. We will post the Capabilities Statement as well as a link to each member’s website (no extra charge).
Gold Memberships are for Small, Mid-tier or Large companies that would like to have a major presence via strategically placed booths and looping video during every live event we host during the course of a year (12 months from signing). Our Gold Members will also enjoy a major presence on The Fed Gov Con Connect website via video Ads and / or Productions that either our team produces or that is provided by the businesses themselves. We will broadcast these productions (up to 10 minutes each) via Vimeo as well as YouTube for maximum exposure for our business clients. LinkedIn will be a primary Social Media outlet we’ll utilize to post videos on behalf of our Gold Members.
Each Gold Member will be allowed to invite up tp 6 guests (free of charge) to every live event. A representative (from each Gold Membership) will be granted up to 3 minutes per occasion to address the audience during our live events. Gold Members are provided 35% off all fee based training. Up to 3 complimentary memberships to NCMA ,Bethesda Chapter (or a chapter of their choice) will be rendered to these members. We will post the Capabilities Statement as well as a link to each member’s website (no extra charge).
Silver Memberships are for Small and / or Mid-tier companies that would like to have a major presence via a placed booth during three live events we host during the course of a year (12 months from signing). Our Silver Members will also enjoy a major presence on The Fed Gov Con Connect website via video Ads and / or Productions that either our team produces or that is provided by the businesses themselves. We will broadcast these productions (up to 7 minutes each) via Vimeo as well as YouTube for maximum exposure for our business clients. LinkedIn will be a primary Social Media outlet we’ll utilize to post videos on behalf of our Silver Members.
Each Silver Member will be allowed to invite up to 5 guests (free of charge) to every live event. A representative (from each Silver Membership) will be granted up to 2 minutes per occasion to address the audience during our live events. Silver Members are provided 25% off all fee based training. Up to 2 complimentary memberships to NCMA ,Bethesda Chapter (or a chapter of your choice) will be provided to these Silver Members. We will post the Capabilities Statement as well as a link to each member’s website (no extra charge).
Bronze Memberships are for Small companies that would like to have a major presence via a placed booth during one live event we host during the course of a year (12 months from signing). Our Bronze Members will also enjoy a major presence on The Fed Gov Con Connect website via videos that are provided by the businesses themselves. We will broadcast these productions (up to 3 minutes each) via Vimeo as well as YouTube for maximum exposure for our business clients. LinkedIn will be a primary Social Media outlet we’ll utilize to post videos on behalf of our Bronze Members. We will post the Capabilities Statement as well as a link to each member’s website (no extra charge).
Each Bronze Member will be allowed to invite up to 2 guests (free of charge) to every live event. A representative (from each Bronze Membership) will be granted up to 1 minute per occasion to address the audience during our live events. Bronze Members are provided 15% off all fee based training. One complimentary membership to NCMA, Bethesda Chapter is provided to all Bronze Members.
The Standard Membership is a great way to start with Fed Gov Con Connect, LLC! Each Standard Member will enjoy the benefit of 20% off (ticket sales) all live events (during a 12 month period). In addition, we will post the Capabilities Statement of our Standard Members and provide a link to their websites. We will provide a complimentary 10% credit for all Standard Members towards their membership with NCMA, Bethesda Chapter.